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Every Christmas Holiday, Ethel M’s Chocolate Factory light up their cactus garden, gets Santa in his chair and warms up the chocolate cocoa! Over a million lights adorn the cactus garden while inside the free factory tour, they offer free samples and specials on “make your own” chocolate boxes. It’s free to visit and walk thru the garden and walk thru the factory tour. Open every night until Christmas until 10pm.
Did I mention this is one of those “Free Things to Do In Las Vegas“?
You Do Need your own transportation from the Strip.
Throughout the Holidays:
November 15th – January 1st
Admission is Free and Open to the Public
Holiday Lights:
Nightly, 5pm to 10pm
Factory & Chocolate Shoppe:
Open daily 8:30am till 10pm
Visits from Santa Claus:
Friday – Sunday till Christmas 5pm to 9pm
Performances by Local Choirs:
Friday – Sunday 6pm to 8pm
Click Here to visit their website for more information
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