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[arve url=”https://youtu.be/iDuNMCCXJVs” title=”Surving Las Vegas Summer Heat! ” /]Here we are, the end of April, and today our illustrious governor will announce just how much longer he intends to keep his serfs locked down in their places. Meanwhile, we are dealing with an early burst of that famous Las Vegas summer sun.
Right now, it is April 30th at 7:15 in the morning and its already hitting the 80-degree mark, heading for that century mark with a “heat advisory” warning already being issued. And that brings me to our topic fo the day. A popular question on my tours as well as on Las Vegas Forum Boards. “How do you get used to the summertime Vegas heat?”
Get Used to the Heat?
Well, like most things about living in Las Vegas, you don’t really get used to the summertime heat. You get used to dealing with it. You tolerate it. That’s the downside to living in an area that offers so many other benefits. The heat is just here for a few months. The other stuff can be enjoyed the other nine months of a year.
Las Vegas was created out of the desert and as we do with anything else desert living, we either adapt or we perish, move out, leave. Those that can not adapt to changes can not live in Las Vegas. To survive here, you need to be able to adapt to the changes. From work, to play, to jobs, and to life. Las Vegas is a different animal. Like nature, you adapt or you die. Many people decide to adapt. Others decide to leave.
Vegas Society Adapts
here in Las Vegas, people don’t often get to work that nine to five that people do in other cities. They adapt to the different jobs here and adapt to living in a 24/7 town. In the summertime, the parks are open later, and the supports courts are well lit and busy late into the night when it is cooler outside. During the summer, it’s not unusual to see families at the park playing basketball or whatever at 10 pm.
You run your errands, do yard work, fix your car early morning or late afternoon to early evening. Most shops are normally open early to late. When we first moved here, most stores kept a 24-hour open schedule. Now its more like 6 am to midnight.
Jobs Adapt
Being a tourist town, we also don’t have normal jobs. We have jobs that can adapt to your body clock or time preference. Like to work at night? I do. That’s why I loved being a nighttime chauffeur. Being a tour guide is not conducive to late-night hours. But my other work is freelance internet marketing, so I can do that late into h nights when not on tour and I love that.
Las Vegas has many “non-traditional” jobs that have strange hours and days off. But that’s the key to survival here. The unique working patterns keep things interesting for most. As well, most people here have several sources of income. They may work at a resort 40 hours a week, then run Uber on the days off. or they have an eBay business on the side.
The Good vs The Bad
Having to survive three months of inferno style heat is a small price to pay for all the other things that make this place a wonderful place to live. We are relatively close to an ocean beach. Just a short drive away from some of the greatest geological formations on earth. Many National Parks close by. Some great cities are an easy plane ride away and being a tourist destination, its easy to get a flight out at the last minute to almost anyplace on earth.
For me, there is no snow to deal with unless I want to deal with snow. Being here, my family likes to come here so I don’t have to go to them! Plus there are so many hotel rooms, they don’t have to stay at my place. People actually want to come and visit then leave you alone for a while, so they can go explore all that is here!
It’s a Dry Heat
There is no getting around that it is hot here in the summer I mean, inferno style heat sometimes. That just means you get to dress down a lot more often than most other people. Sandles and flip-flops are kind of a thing here in the summer for almost all occasions.
Being a tourist town, the scenery gets pretty good in the summer as well. No matter what your sexual preference is. People watching at its prime!
and yes. It is a Dry Heat. Sometimes tho, hot is just hot. Dry or not, you want out of it!
The Secret?
If there was a secret, it would be that you get used to carrying other pieces of clothing. Dressing in layers and carrying a water bottle. You may want to be covered in the morning but not too covered. Something cotton and airy. By midday, you want to be off with the clothing but still protected from the sun. You are always either taking something off or putting something on as the day goes on.
An Don’t Forget the Water Bottle!! Stay Hydrated!
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