Visiting Obama’s Corrupt Solar Energy Policy

Ivanpah solar plant

FYI: This is my Opinion. Not news.

Las Vegas. You know, that town in the desert that President Obama told people worldwide not to visit? Yea, that town.

Well, Las Vegas is a short 50 miles away from one of the last remaining examples of Obama’s failed, fraudulent, and costly “green energy” legacy.

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System

This solar power-generating monstrosity was built in the middle of the Mojave desert using almost $2 billion in federally funded “loans”. For reference, that’s three times the amount Solyndra had in loan guarantees from the Department of Energy.

His “Green Energy” plans were never about the environment or about producing a better future for the people. It was always all about paying back his largest donors. He likes saying that he is fighting against corporate corruption. The same people and companies feeding his bank accounts and buying him mansions.

As an example: Building one of the largest solar power plants in the world and building it right in the middle of a federally protected, environmentally sensitive area and then building it using obsolete technology that will raise the electric bills for people on fixed incomes and low wages.

Now how did that happen? Maybe it was with some proper political connections?

The power from this plant costs at least three times what it should and uses more natural gas to create that electricity than a normal solar power plant. Plus, it releases more CO2 gases than any other solar plant. FYI: CO2 is what causes greenhouse gases..

To help keep this scam from becoming public, Obama had all the records on its costs and the payments to suppliers sealed. Interesting, isn’t it?

Not to mention the wildlife in an environmentally critical area. This plant is built right in the flight path of migrating birds. These birds are being smoked daily by the mirrors.

What this pant is doing to the environment, the people who have to buy the electricity, and the endangered wildlife didn’t bother President Obama or the impeached former President Clinton. Both praised this scam as being what they always wanted in green energy.

This is what Obama called the future of Green Energy??

* Solar Power Plants using obsolete and costly technology
* Green energy using natural gas to generate electricity
* Green energy-releasing climate-changing gasses
* Solar power plants damaging the local environment
* Green energy plant killing migratory birds
* Solar energy that will cost three times the going rate

This fraud was to be the future of solar energy. Meaning the laws of the land would push for more plants like this. More wasteful spending and more of Obama and Hillary’s friends getting wealthy while the poor and middle class pay higher energy bills to pay for a polluting solar power plant!

So now tell me again why Trump’s rollback of Obama’s EPA rules and regulations that helped create this “green energy” power plant is so bad?